
St. Paul's Church Council -March 11, 2003 ..~;,
St. Paul's Church Council met March 11,2003 in the library. Members present were: Ron Hahne, Charlotte
Meier, Anita Fry, Judy Thomas, Mike Arnold, Mary Cropper, Lillian Seffrood, Charles Neff, Travus Albrecht,
and Intern Pat Esker.
The meeting was called to order by Ron. Intern Pat opened by reading a chapter from the book "The Ragman"
and then lead us in prayer.
I The Secretary , s report was read and approved.
The Treasurer's report was given and it was noted that we were $1, 000.00 short of our commitment for
the month of February. The $5000.00 from the general fund was transferred to the savings account and the
savings account now has a balance of$14,196.35. Lillian made a motion to accept the report and Anita 2nd it
and motion carried. Anita reported that the interest bearing checking accounts at the bank were at 1 %. Judy
said it did not pay to move the checking accounts and they will stay as is.
Education: Travus stated that his committee would be meeting following the council meeting tonight. They
are planning a Seder Meal this year. They have had them every two years and are used as a teaching tool.
Mutual Ministry: No report.
Properties: Mike passed out his agenda on the repairs done and those needed to be done.
1. On February 15,2003 he checked the pews and tightened the loose ones.
2. As ofMarch 10, 2003 new couplings and pump were put in the furnace.
3. The February 6,2003 estimate from Long Electric was $410.00 for the basement and $500.00 for
the upstairs totaling $910.00. On February 22, 2003 Thomasson Electric, Lena, estimated the
basement to coast $955.00 and the upstairs to cost $715.00 totaling $1,670.00. This was placed
on hold until WELCA meets. Anita will contact the ladies.
4. Door on the West Side of the Church is bad. It is an inside door that is being used as an outside
door. Lillian made the motion for Mike to look into the cost of anew door. Travus 2nd it and
motion carried. He will also look at the front door, as it needs new stripping.
5. We have permission from the owner of the land on Hwy 78 to put a sign up for the Church.
Mike received state forms to be filled out to get a permit to put up these signs. There is no
charge for the permit. Mike and his committee will continue to check on types of signs and cost.
6. Old chimney on the west end of the church- it would be cheaper to cap then to tear it down. He
will get estimates.
Old garage/shed -Charlotte read the minutes from June 6,2001, which stated that maybe
someone would take it down for the wood. After some discussion, Judy made a motion to repair
it and use it for storage. Lillian 2nd it and motion carried.
7. The Properties Committee members are Mike Arnold, Daylon Niemann, Lavern Miller, and Jim
8. Intern Pat's son Jacob is pursuing the handicap project and will be doing it.
Stewardship: Mary reported that the "Time and Talent" sheets were handed out on Sunday, but she has only
had 6 of them returned. They will be handed out again and we encourage every one of our members to fill one
Worship & Evangelism: Lillian reported that lent supper went well and that the next meeting of her
committee will be on March 25,2003.